Tuesday 10th October 2023

This Week’s Mock Oral Exams: MOE 2 (MOE = khôlle)

Visit the padlet: the three students have to be there the full hour. It is essential to memorize the vocabulary.

Lesson 6 :  UNIT 2 – The British Monarchy


  • Debrief on MOEs: Bring your MOE booklet, Next week : MOE 3 = Press article on the British Monarchy / The Royal Family / British Institutions
  • Submission of the translation
  • UNIT 2 : Visual document
  • READING & Speaking: UNIT 2, p 4: The Commonwealth
  • Video : Watch and take notes. According to Waleed Aly, what are the main assets of a monarchy ? of a republic ? What solution does he suggest to replace the British monarch?
  • Discuss about your findings

Hand-outs : We have used UNIT 2, p.1-4

HOMEWORK FOR NEXT TIME: A bit of English everyday 🙂

1/ Buy English Grammar in Use with answers , 5th edition, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University press, 2019, ISBN 978-1-10845765-1 OR the one we have agreed upon.

2/ Subscribe to all the Padlets (MOE / General Knowledge / Pronunciation). Thus, you will know when something new has been added.(You just need to click on the BELL, which you can find on the right hand side of the screen.

3/ Revise Irregular verbs part 6 (GRAMMAR BOOKLET page 87). Use the same methodology as for vocabulary lists. You will have a test at some point 😉 to check your memorization.

4/ Read GR6 (GRAMMAR BOOKLET) + create a revision card + do all the exercises in unit 15 + (finish the two first exercises of unit 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14.)

5/ LINKWORDS: read the list UNIT 2, p.7 and practise p.8

6/ Watch the video again and be ready to speak about the three different systems mentioned by the TV host.


Next Week’s Mock Oral Exams: MOE 3 – PRESS ARTICLE on the British Empire

  • Visit the padlet
  • read p 3, 4, 5, 9-11 (MOE Booklet)
  • study the text p.12 to train for the MOE
  • then study the example (p.13-16)
  • To enrich your general knowledge watch the videos posted on the padlet (MOE 3)

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